Does coffee affect our health?

We can’t drink coffee?

If you like coffee, let me tell you some reasons. Coffee also has great benefits and is good for our health.

The benefits of coffee:

  • Cut the Pain

Two cups of coffee can cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%. From the Journal of Pain, March 2007 (link).

  • Increase your fiber intake

A cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 gram of fiber of the recommended intake of 20-38 grams. From the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (link).

  • Protection against cirrhosis of the liver

Of course, you could just cut down on the alcohol intake. From the Archives of Internal Medicine (link). Another more recent study also showed coffee’s liver protecting benefits. link. Yet another study showed that both coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the liver enzyme levels of coffee drinkers. This study was published in the Hepatology Journal.

  • Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Those who consumed 6 or more cups per day had a 22% lower risk of diabetes. From the Archives of Internal Medicine (link). A recent review of research conducted by Harvard’s Dr. Frank Hu showed that the risk of type II diabetes decreases by 9% for each daily cup of coffee consumed. Decaf coffee decreased risk by 6% per cup.

  • Lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease

There is considerable evidence that caffeine may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. From the European Journal of Neurology (link). A recent study also isolated the compounds in roasted coffee that may be responsible for preventing the build-up of the brain plaque believed to cause the disease. 

  • Reduces suicide risk and Depression

A 10-year study of 86,000 female nurses shows a reduced risk of suicide in the coffee drinkers. From the Archives of Internal Medicine (link). Another study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee were 20% less likely to suffer from depression. Study link.

  • Protection against Parkinson’s

People with Parkinson’s disease are less likely to be smokers and coffee drinkers than their healthy siblings. Just make sure you don’t get lung cancer on the way. From the Archives of Neurology (link). Even newer