As a dedicated coffee fan and home barista, you’ll no doubt have heard about siphon coffee makers. In fact, coffee made using a siphon brewer is so hard to beat, it’s actually behind some of the best baristas in the universe. And it’s massively on-trend in the world of home brewing right now too.
Now, making a brew using a siphon coffee maker requires effort and a fair degree of caution, but the process of vacuum brewing is so fun and so satisfying, we reckon it could become your next big caffeinating adventure.
We thought you’d appreciate some of our trusty Roasty advice on how to choose one of these complex, yet beautifully ornamental brewing gadgets. Correct?
We thought so.

That’s why we’ve taken time out to review the best siphon coffee makers that the marketplace currently has to offer. But before we get to the reviews, let’s explain a little more about siphon (or vacuum) coffee makers … just so that you know what you’re taking on.
So, just what is a siphon coffee maker?
So, just what is a siphon coffee maker?
Yes, a siphon coffee maker is that intriguing whatnot that looks like something out of a school chemistry lab that you’ve noticed on the counter in a few super-trendy hipster coffee shops. But you never knew what it was, right?
Well, here you go …
A siphon coffee maker is a full immersion brew system.
The first chamber of the system uses a direct heat source to create a vacuum (siphon) in one chamber by forcing water upwards and into the other chamber.
The hot water steeps the coffee grounds, and the brew then drains back down into the bottom chamber.
And what’s so cool about a siphon coffee making system?
There are four main elements to the siphon coffee making method that make it super-cool.
Total Immersion
As you may be aware, total immersion means that the coffee grounds and all the water in the system are in contact throughout the whole brewing process, just like Aeropress and French pressbrewing systems.
Total immersion steeping typically produces a light, clearer flavored brew.
The Vaccuum
Once your coffee grounds have steeped in hot water for a while, the vacuum created in the bottom chamber drags the coffee-rich liquid back down through the system’s filter. This method effectively captures any remaining solubles (and flavor) from the coffee grounds.
The result will be a cup of coffee that’s deliciously pure in aroma and carries every nuance of flavor from your preferred grind.
Consistent Heat
Unlike other methods of brewing that require pre-heated water to be poured over the grounds, a siphon coffee maker is heated continuously.
As you know, the temperature is a crucial element of brew quality. A constant, consistent heat source gives you much greater control over the quality and flavor of the finished brew.
Aesthetics and Intrigue
Okay, now, strictly speaking, the look of this device is not vital to the result. However, you have to admit that displaying one of these bad boys on your kitchen countertop will surely impress your guests.
So, let’s have a look over our favorite 5 best siphon coffee makers. We’ll then talk in more detail about how you should go about choosing one.
For the full spec of each machine and to read what other purchasers think about their buy, click on the links provided.
Our Favorite Siphon Coffee Makers
Restoring Ancient Ways Belgian Royal Siphon Metal Coffee Maker
For those home baristas who don’t want to risk blowing a fortune on their first siphon coffee maker, this neat and compact offering from Yama is definitely the way to go.

Although this siphon coffee maker does the job, you must bear in mind that you get what you pay for. The glass is rather thin, making breakage a possible issue. Sometimes the seal between the two chambers is less than perfect, causing drain issues.